Welcome to a new Redline Derby Racing

After years of saying "it's in the next update", I'm happy to welcome everyone to that new update...a new Redline Derby Racing.
You'll certainly notice the new design and coat of paint, that's the easy stuff, but hopefully you'll notice a few new features as well as a few changes otherwise. I know change isn't easy but this change is long overdue and I do hope everyone gives it a chance. It's like a new pair of underwear.
A few new things
Outside of the new look, there are a handful of new features that I hope you will use and enjoy.
Track Directory
The biggest new addition is the updated Track Directory, a database of race tracks from around the world. Of course, we can't grow this directory without you! Please take a few photos of your track and share its story. Show off your hard work and you will inspire others.
Image hosting
Redline Derby Racing members get their own image hosting for photos of your cars and tracks. You can still use third-party hosting if you like, but you can now upload photos from your computer or phone and add them directly to your posts without having to go anywhere.
Tournament templates
We've updated the templates used to post mail-in tournaments and other racing events. Our new wizard will guide you through all the information you need. You still have control, we just help you get started. Just fill in the blanks and you'll be covered.
Spotlight features
We've baked in some spotlight sections where we'll feature the tracks and photos that you share! It's not much but it's something that can shine a light on the great stories we're all sharing.
A little consolidation
You'll notice a main Cars section in the main menu. We consolidated the Modding and Collecting topics into a single section page. Each still exists as its own category but everything having to do with cars is now in one spot.
A few changes
Along with the new we've updated a few of the old features and services. Here's a quick rundown of some of the ones you'll probably notice first.
Unread topics on the home page
The old "Unread" topics list now only appears on the home page at the top of the page where the recent topics are listed. If there are any threads that have been updated that you haven't yet read, they'll be listed. If there aren't any you've missed, they won't appear...it's all automatic.
Private messages are now private threads
Private messages are now treated more like normal threads rather than having several items in your inbox. All your old messages should still be there but they'll be grouped together, much like any modern email client. No changes otherwise.
More collections that are easy to find
We've arranged collections to be easier to find both at the bottom of each section page, or through the archive. There are also more relevant collections this time around that help keep topics organized. Looking for topics about wheels and axles? There's a collection. Reviews? There's a collection. You get the idea.
Happier for phones and tablets
A big part of the redesign was to make things easier to use on phones and tablets. Our data shows more than half of visitors do so on their phone so we've tried to make everything useable for your thumbs. This should sharing photos much easier.
A lot of the changes have been made under the hood that should allow for more features and services down the road (did someone say Fantasy League?).
I know this has been a long time coming and I appreciate everyone's support while this has all been going on. I've been making these updates alone on Dad Time so it's been a little bit here and there for what seems like forever. I'm just happy it's all come together and I'm confident we'll be in a better place because of it.
To the RLD veterans, I thank you for your patience and putting up with many postponed promises. The future is brighter than ever before thanks to your support.
Please, please, please share your feedback, questions, thoughts and concerns. You can post a comment to this topic or send a private message. If you prefer to remain nameless, you can leave feedback anonymously as well.
Again, thank you to everyone that has contributed to Redline Derby Racing over the past decade. Whether you're a long-time regular or a new member, I thank you for your support, your understanding, and your passion.
Brian Vaughn
Site manager, owner Redline Derby Racing
Congrats with the new site! Thanks for all the work you put into the redesign. Looks great!
.....Outstanding and Job Well Done!!!! It was painless to add Tobacco Road to the Track Directory as well....here's to the future of RLD!!!
Hey Brian, I like what you've done to the place!
New site looks great!!!!!
Lookin pretty good there RLDR!!!
Congratulations on rolling out the big update. I think our kids are around the same age, so I'm amazed you've been able to accomplish so much with whatever free time they allow you to have. Can't wait to mosey around the new site.
- My kid is 6 so yeah not much time. About 2hr a few times a week, which is why it took so damn long. — redlinederby
Must be a magnet effect. Lookin' good and hey Carl!
I'm going to "kick the tires" a bit...looks good so far!!!