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XR Corkscrew Laguna Tournament 2 [FULL]

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Numbskull 5/7/24

On the way.

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Spirit_Of_64 5/11/24

If you need a 16th entry, I can look thru my ready made builds and send something Monday.

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Spirit_Of_64 5/13/24

Alright, got the old Mile High Meteor freshened up and sent out this morning!  Postman reckons it'll arrive in ten days, but you never know with overseas stuff.  Still, here's hopin' it arrives in a timely fashion!  Also, I'll throw up our team's logo if you'd like to use it in your bracket.

Final round 1 Group - Group 4! Semi-finals start Friday 7th June

Semi Finals! Finals will be in 1-2 weeks

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