How was your rookie year?

As we head to the end of the year, since we have so many rookies here, myself included,
I thought a thread about our rookie year. Thought, comments, learning points, whatever...
I'll go first, I have now successfully shipped cars to canada without incident (finally)
I got a 1st place, and spent most of the races on the roof.
and loved every minute of seeing my car, that I built, race with y'all
I found the most welcoming international community I could have asked for.
I'm hooked...
Keep it up boys! My first year was painful but educating! I'm still trying to catch the kings, & still have a long way to go.... we'll see what happens at the Skyway! You two are doing great!
- Oh, & I did very little research starting out; research is one of the best things you can do to improve! — G_ForceRacing
I feel like my rookie year was just yesterday xD
I don't feel like a veteran yet, but I realize I gained experience and my standings tends to be overall better race after race. Keep up at it guys, there's so much to learn about and experiment, you can only become more competitive time after time :D
So far the crews rookie year has been a freakin' rollercoaster...
started off surprising and sleepin a LOT of rides at the UDR scene, then had a few bad choices in terms of rides, and possible drivers...
beefed on the streets, as one does, tried some junkyard builds, as one does, (they failed, as they tend to do,) got a new possible driver behind a stock car to see what he's made of, and he made a Studebaker borderline FAMOUS. God bless that weird country boy from the swamps.
Then...real life slapped ME across the face and I had to set things down, cancel and walk out on a lot of pre planned events because of a major family event...getting a rough reminder that you can go at any time...and it won't always be quick...
...left everything behind for like 2 months. it was rough. Times...were rough.
but came back. And we turned the luck around.
rocky is...SOMEHOW...still in the running over at the coupe-a-cabana, Dodge Viper edition, at Monster Motorsports...Frederick podiumed at the DeLeon, OUT OF 32 OTHER RUNNERS, TOP 3, BABY!...
and, now, we're building more cars than ever because FINALLY things have calmed down enough to be doin so.
...what a hell of a start. And we just gettin started. And the year ain't over. Be keepin yo eye out.
0utsiders, represent, and Ride Out.
Great topic to chat about. Maybe it'll motivate me to get my home drag strip up and running again because I kinda miss doing the annual Rookie Rally. I limited it to non-veteran racers and it was always great to see the builds and the action.
The last Rookie Rally was in 2021and had some great cars in it, plus a few folks that are now veterans of the track and still chalking up wins. Check out the videos and entries.
But speaking of rookie years...oddly enough I still feel like a rookie despite being in the hobby for 15 years! I was never a regular entrant for mail-in races so everytime to would try to build a car it always felt like I was starting over. I never had a solid process and I didn't do enough at-home building and testing to really get into a groove, ever.
It's been a pretty good year so far for me. Had some highs and lows along the way. Tried out so many bad ideas and have slowly settled in to what works for me. Got a couple cars doing well at the moment and I feel like each car gets a little better than the last although I feel like I may have hit my limit lately.
how many people are rookie track builders/owners,
that counts, too
or their rookie year as a youtube channel content provider?
there is so much growth I see around this sport.
Cheers to y'all
My rookie year is just starting. Trying to finish up my first cars for some November races. Looking forward to it and seeing where I can improve! And then on to the track building!!
- I spent the weekend doing track work. I really respect the hosts that have gotten their tracks fast, lotta work — dr_dodge
- I'm coming in from the Warhammer angle. I knew it would be a lot of work to get a table together. It wasn't until I started reading about people calibrating tracks that I realized how much of a different beast it was. — StrayDog
- Teasting and Tweaking, I think I am good But! it's well worth it even to just test your Builds. I love how every Track has a difference, Leingth of Straights, # of turns Seaperated lanes Blah Blah, I had a divided 180* and Cichkanes but wide body cars were getting Grief. I Nixed them, the layout of the now track has been adjusted and runs the Cars Nicely. — Bent_Rod_Racing
My first race was OK, the next 2 I got smoked big time! So my last race for the year is in a couple of weeks and this build should do better. My test track is anemic compared to some of the people who have beaten me, as I have see their tracks on YT and realize, I too need a decent test track with timer. So in my winter off-season, I will build one. I am having fun with it and that is all that matters for me!
- Its Great fun but lots of head scratching and Tweaking, Took me long time, Rebuild Track after Feline Gigantis Terrorized the occupents Like a Bad Godzilla movie. But 18 months later my track I Believe is solid and Ready to Host. A test track is a Great benifit and even just a Straight Drag is very helpful as well.l — Bent_Rod_Racing
- Ahh yes, Feline Gigantis! A couple roam about here! — speedtrap
- banditicus the destroyer does not help — dr_dodge
Painful. This is why god handed us vodka..
- And hot cocoa! — speedtrap
- vodka, unless it's tex mex nite, then frozen marg's — dr_dodge
- Hahaha! And those Green Sticky Buds — Bent_Rod_Racing
- yup — dr_dodge
- Tequila is not easy. I'm a Polack, I like vodka. — Numbskull
- Thats the only stuff I get Mean on Tequlia, But Crown Royal on the rocks Yum Yum — Bent_Rod_Racing
- Jim Beam. — Numbskull
- Maker's Mark — StrayDog
- Budweiser and Marlboro’s when I was younger. Today it’s Dollar Store diet cola. — alva1370
- More of a whiskey guy myself — RaginRicky
I think overall I've finally found a hobby I can stick to, I've met so many nice people and have learned how to better improve my skills in modifying my cars, and even tho I haven't won I've entered different tournaments and have still enjoyed myself and I look forward to more to come