Im going to miss the deadline. I havent mailed mine yet with moving and everything I misplaced my car, just found it today and have no way to test it. Im sorry
I'm not going to make this race, I was able to aquire my cars but lost track of time (middle of moving) and thought i had more time to mod but it was too late.
Im going to miss the deadline. I havent mailed mine yet with moving and everything I misplaced my car, just found it today and have no way to test it. Im sorry
My car showes it arrived Monday can you confirm that please.
I'm not going to make this race, I was able to aquire my cars but lost track of time (middle of moving) and thought i had more time to mod but it was too late.
Nick Deavers Nestle Quick #10 has arrived in CA
Does anyone know if the qualifying happened yet? I don't see it anywhere
Qualifying video is up!!! Go see if you made the cut!!!
Were are videos of the races at. Was want to see who one? Also the event the cars that didn't make the top 16. Were the race videos from that?
Does anyone know when the cars that didn't make will race