Need help with track build, last hope

Hello everyone. I am new so, if this is in the wrong place feel free to delete or move this. If deleted please direct me to the correct place. I am super frustrated. I am following all the information I am finding about setting up a simple three level track and it just isn't working right for me no matter what I do. I have every large manufacturer part imaginable and either the cars fly off the track from the tiniest bump far too often or they flip onto their backs. I can't keep the tracks together even with tape. I get to have fun for about five mins tops. I have been working on this for almost five years and I am just ready to give up. Please help me
Thank you in advance
First thing I would do is decrease the angle of your start section until more cars make it to the end
Welcome Ninja, Wow, I count six 180's, show us more pictures. We got builders here and some of them have 3D printers. These guys are smart.
When I've built my tracks, I tend to either start at the bottom section and work backwards, or start at the top but at desk height, then when that's dialled, lift it up and start the next section underneath it.
I will hold the car at the start of each section and make sure it can go from a standstill to the bottom of the next section. If it can't (and the car is reliable and spins freely) then I tweak the angles till it can.
Now, I build my finished tracks by hand, but I do a lot of initial testing with HW track and CR wide track. These are great because it can be quick to tweak or change bits out. I did have a lot of issues with the straights wanting to disconnect from the big banked corners quite often. I found that Duct Tape underneath was usually enough, or else screwing a track connector to the supports, then sticking the track onto that helped. I did used to screw the corners down, but if the heat changes a lot, then it will really mess your track up as it grows or shrinks.
Another very valuable tool is a slow mo camera, hopefully your phone will be able to do this. Set it up to look at where you have problems and then check the footage. This has saved me many times as the cars move so fast you don't see what's causing them to crash at full speed, but in slo mo you can pick out that they are hitting the top of the track or a bump in the track etc. it really is your best friend for finding issues.
Also, watch your trasitions from the flat to the drops. The CR track can go a bit funny here, so allowing a longer transition angle can help, or having the entry to the corner sit an inch or so higher than the exit. This can remove the bend in the straight at the coner exit, because it is running in a straighter line.
Hope that helps.
Welcome.... and hold on to your seat, these guys that build and race tracks will chime in... Your in the best place I have read threads like yours and the results of their builds worked out.. Sorry im not a roadie yet but read alot on this topic. I like the layout..
With just one photo it looks like you have (from start to finishline) Crash Racers Nascar (Figure 8) to Regular Crash Racers to Sizzler FatTrack.
The quick fix would be switch places of your Nascar CR curves and your Regular CR curves. If it were me, i would take out the Sizzlers all together and delete 1 Nascar Curve to make an extra long finish straight. Your drops look so fast that any casting with decent speed is gonna fly.
I know space is always a factor, but longer straights with less of an angle, 5-7 degree tops, and less 180's will improve your cars staying on the track.
all of the above, and to hold tracks together I've used hot glue
its sorta removable, but don't melt the plastic parts with the tip
I have wondered if big long rubberbands could help tension the track straights
(by pulling the corner into the straight)
during my testing, 10 minutes was about right before a track seperated and caused crashes.
also seems from my experiences a CT straight will expand almost 1/8" sitting in the sun,
so "thermal movement" can be significant
Thank you for the suggestions. It's getting a little better not much though. I am going to play around with things for a few days and update y'all on Saturday or Sunday.
- Keep us posted. Your doing great! We all had to do the trial and error for our tracks as well. — JBlotner42
Can you put a video of it on utube or instawangatangagram.maybe it's something obvious to track builders.looking good though,don't give up.i think the angles is definitely a good place to start,a lot of my cars came off if too fast
I changed it around. It is still not good enough but much better. I'll shoot some videos this weekend. Thanks again for all the help.
Final configuration for tonight. I am much happier now. Will shoot some videos later this evening.
- I like it! — JBlotner42
- Cant wait to see the video of the new design running cars.. Main thing is you are happy with it and enjoy the hobby your way. That is what its all about... — Desert_Rat_Racing
- I took all the high banked turns out. Still not happy. Waiting for my friend to get off work to do the videos as it is kind of a two person job. — thediecastninja
- good luck! — dr_dodge
Welcome to RedlineDerby! I'm not a track builder but wanted to say Welcome and....stay tuned....lots of helpful people with track experience will be commenting soon.