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Hot Wheels Calgary Racing Thread

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I recently acquired a... Few...(snicker snicker) Lets have a look at them...

And the racing keeps coming! Just added approximately 200 cars to the picking table this weekend... Calculate that at 4 cars a day...well... That's a lot of racing! Have a great week everyone!

Is it just me or has the Hot Wheels Racing at Birdco Raceway gotten faster and closer lately? I tell ya,I'm lovin' every close finish! How about you? Let's see if we have a close one today!

What happens when you have sick brain? You forget to post the days race!

Oh well... better late than never! And trust me, this one was worth the wait!!

Sick brain is subsiding.. Feeling better.. I think to celebrate we should watch some Hot Wheels Racing! Oh look... Here's some now...YAY!

I have discovered the recipe for Awesome Sauce! One part Hot Wheels Racing add to one part it's Friday and voila! Ain't that easy? Well here's my donation to the recipe... Let's go make some Awesome Sauce!

I have discovered the recipe for Awesome Sauce! One part Hot Wheels Racing add to one part it's Friday and voila! Ain't that easy? Well here's my donation to the recipe... Let's go make some Awesome Sauce!

Happy Saturday! This bug is trying to wriggle its way back into my life but I know exactly what I need to get rid of it... Some good Hot Wheels racing! Here.. You better have some too to keep you from getting sick.

If you never have watched a Hot Wheels Calgary race video or never watch another one, make sure you watch this one... Probably THE best Hot Wheels racing I have ever caught on camera!

Although not quite as speculator as yesterday, it's still Hot Wheels Racing amd it's still a great way to start the week! Have a great and blessed week my friends!

Wakey wakey! It's bright and early! Let's get that heart rate going! Let me help with some Hot Wheels Racing!

I forgot to post this last night... hope you all enjoy it... and go check out Thunderground Racing YouTube channel!

I don't like early mornings... How about you? Oh look! There's Hot Wheels Racing! My day just got better... I hope yours did too!

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