Carpet tape for securing weight in cars

aircooled Sunday, 12/20/2015

I have used carpet tape for years to secure the weights in Pine Wood Derby cars.  The double backed carpet tape can also be used to secure the weights in die cast cars.  Lowes, carries it, just cut it to whatever size needed. It works great and the weight can be moved around while still having it secure for testing and the final position. I would also think it would work for holding the body on while testing making it easy to get on and off before final mounting.  Have a great day and Merry Christmas!!!!


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72_Chevy_C10 12/20/15

The double sided tape works well for testing, but I would still JB Weld the weight in and the body on for a series.

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MoHasAFastCar 12/20/15

I've been using steel BBs secured with poster putty.  Will be switching to modeling clay soon.

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