Cheap Cars From China

Preacher Sunday, 10/14/2012

I've been collecting cars since January of this year, and at times I have to buy a bag of cars just to get the one I want. Value Village normally puts 4 per bag...but normally you might get one good car and the others cars from China. To my amazement some of these "Cheap" cars are really fast, and will smoke some of my fast HW's. Due to their light weight and free spinning wheels...some of these cars are good racers. Just wondering if anyone else here has raced these type of cars, and what kind have you found to be FAST? Post pictures later of some of my "Cheap" cars.


Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox
Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox
Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox


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WorpeX 10/15/12

I have a road champion which is pretty zippy. Apart from that, nothing really keeps up with the Hotwheels/Matchbox's.

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vidmouse 10/17/12

LOL... MOObiil --- makes you wonder what the car runs on

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