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I have spent many hours building my site and trying to get it out to the masses as a way of bringing all the race clubs and events together. There is absolutely nothing wrong with protecting that. I have been adamant from day one, that the Hardcore series is a product of Texas Diecast Racing and all results are exclusive to the site. Some clubs are allowed to post results on their site if they have sponsored that particular race. This is the business side of things and has nothing to do with "Toy cars".

Sorry man, I thought and still think it was way out of line. Where would your racing series be without the members from this site? Most of the people racing there first found out about it from here because Brian allowed it be and continue to be promoted. And then you rip on those same people supporting your series for posting results? In my opinion, not cool.

I work directly with race promoters that are putting up tens of thousands of their own dollars to put on auto racing events. Do those race promoters care that myself or other users from my website trumping them and post results or complaining about what happened? Absolutely not.

One because it gets their name out there even more and makes more people want to find out about it. Two, they have additional features on their website that I don't provide, which drives traffic to them and keeps those visitors there. Three, results are results. The true story is behind the official "press release" that the race promoters release that explains in detail what actually happened and includes all sponsor names etc...

I do understand where you are coming from, but wanting to be able to control what can be posted on this or any other site and what can't be posted is a losing battle, especially as the racing series continues to grow.

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EconoCarl 2/14/12

Exactly what I was thinking iowastockcars.
Thanks for taking the time to put it into words.

I think Jasons' lack of communication is the problem here and not the people that he is upset with.

I think cross promotion would help the Texas Diecast site.

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GspeedR 2/14/12

IMO, water under the proverbial bridge...let's get back to rollin' metal.


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redlinederby 2/14/12
Site manager

Thanks for the words, Iowa. I don't want this site to throws wrenches in anyone's gears. I understand Jason's vent...I think just the fact that there was a vent surprised us all, regardless who made it.

Exclusivity is definitely a valid strategy but one that is extremely hard to apply to information, especially on the internet. You can never stop word of mouth (or copying and pasting) and unless everyone is a) aware of the rules, b) remembers the rules and c) cares about the rules. Information is hard to contain.

I see information as the carrot in front of the horse. Despite me not really monetizing Redline Derby, I use these forums to do two things: get people engaged with the brand and drive people to the fantasy league game. Access to the fantasy league is the only thing I can really control. If I wanted to get money out of people, that's where I would do it. The information is free, playing the game requires an exchange.

But anyway...yes...lets move along and keep on rolling!

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Gravitywerx 2/14/12

How come the results of a race between members of this site are not posted on this site? I hope the people running the Featherweight race are more reasonable.

The Hardcore Downhill series is a product of Texas Diecast Racing just the same as the Fantasy League is a product of Redline Derby. Brian promotes the HDS just as I promote the FL and we both promote each other's sites. there is not issue there at all. The main product here is the FL and it's content remains solely on this site, I would never do anything to infringe on Brian's efforts.

The featherweight Challenge is also promoted on my site and gets all of my support. I will not be posting the results of that race either.

Promotions is not the issue here, we all share and get along just fine. Exclusivity is where the problem is arising. Of the dozens of sites I frequent, anyone holding a contest branded by their site has the rights to that info. The HDS results will always be exclusive to Post all the links you want, but thats where the info will be.

Smitty made a mistake and was called out for it. A bit too harshly, but that's all said and done.

That's it for me

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