How to make a YouTube video playlist
Since we're all gung ho about videos now, here's a quick how-to on how to create a YouTube playlist for videos. A playlist is a great way to group together related videos.
Playlists make it so you only have to add 1 link to your post, rather than having to add a new link for every video you make. Everytime you add a video to a playlist, it will update in your post automatically. Plus, you can also order a playlist as you see fit through YouTube.
Using playlists also lets the web page load faster since it doesn't have to go through dozens of videos in on shot.
I try to make playlists on the RLD YouTube account but it's hard for me to keep up, so anything you guys can do will help everyone, and is very much appreciated.
When to use a playlist
Use a playlist when you know you'll have more than one video to share for any given event. Maybe you'll have a separate video for each round, or maybe there are several people uploading videos for a single series. These are all good scenarios for when a playlist makes sense.
Playlists are especially helpful for a series of tournaments that may span many weeks and many different hosts. Rather than have people hope around to to different posts in the thread looking for answers...a playlist gives them one easy spot to watch.
Creating a YouTube playlist
1. Find the first video you want to add to your playlist, and click the +Save option in the menu below the video. This will open up a menu and then select Create new playlist at the bottom.
2. Give your playlist a name, probably the name of the tournament, and click Create. Your playlist will be created and that video added to it immediately. Congrats, you just made a playlist!
3. Next time you upload a video, click the +Save again and your playlist should be in the list. Just pick it and the video will be added.
After you add at least one video to your playlist, you can link to the playlist in your post. The site should recognize the link and automatically turn it into a video player when you save.
Should also note this isn't the only way to create playlist, but it's the way I create them. If you find an easier way that makes more sense to you, please share so everyone can learn.
Getting your playlist link
1. Click the main menu icon in the top-left of the page if the side menu isn't already open. Playlists you have created will appear there, just look for the one your created, and click on it.
2. After clicking, you'll see the playlist page with all the videos lists. Highlight and copy the web address link at the top of the browser.
3. Paste that link into your post and when you publish, the site will convert that link into a video player.
What you see below is an example playlist from the Beetle Bash. Notice in the corner how it shows how many videos there are and which one you're watching. One video player, not 20.
Another nice thing about playlists is that they will automatically play the next video in the list, so you don't have to keep going up and down in a post to find the video you want to watch.
You don't have to make a playlist but they're really handy and help make things easier to watch for everyone. They're not hard to create or use once you know they're an option. If you have any questions or problems, please post and we'll figure out the answer.
This triggered a suggestion I wanted to make a couple months ago during the winter dry spell.
You should start a thread where everyone lists their youtube channels.
Many is the time where I just want to watch some old races; but searching, remembering race titles, and matching redline derby handles with youtube names takes up too much of whatever time and brain power my 5 and 1 year old boys haven't depleted.
PSA Bump about YouTube playlists.
I see a lot of folks posting a ton of single videos in threads one after another, which is fine, but that can make keeping up with all the action a little cumbersome. Making a playlist for your race and adding all the videos to it is a great way to keep things organized and share it with others. Instead of sending out 5 links, you can send out 1 link that includes the five videos. Food for thought...take advantage of all the tools and make your life easier.
- Good point. I think a lot of people either don't know how or forget about it. — Chaos_Canyon
- I think most people just go event-to-event and don't think about packaging up everything into a nice timeline. You gotta think future past, kinda, rather than just "what's next" — redlinederby
- Hi thank you, I just started doing this , but often the first video plays and not always does it go to the next on the playlist. Its a youtube thing I guess, but I do like it, I am putting all my racing series in their own sections as I move from track to track. — madmax
- The only issue I've had is it has been double adding things to playlists when I set he playlist on upload, so now I upload it all first, then go back and update it once it's been published — Chaos_Canyon
Bumping this since I'm seeing a lot of new threads with nothing but a YouTube link in them. That is not the way, folks.
Save yourself the trouble of multiple posts and save your viewers the same. If you insist on double-posting YT videos here, make a playlist, mange your playlist on YouTube, and then bump your thread here using the same one over and over.
It's a lot easier and nicer to manage your videos on YouTube that it is managing threads here on RLD, trust me. Adding a bunch of threads here with single links won't help you. It doesn't lead more people to your channel...I have the stats to prove it.
And don't forget that there is a YouTube Channel Guide on the site that is already (and automatically) showing off your videos and channels. You might not need to make a new thread at all.
Bottomline, try doing more than just post videos.
- are you saying you don't want folks posting the latest videos in a tournament in that tournament's thread? — IndianaDiecastRacing
Just a little fun fact about videos, images and media in general here on the web site...
There's a 53% chance you're reading this on your phone. That's the average percent of visitors coming to the site on a phone, and that doesn't include tablets (which adds another 11%).
Now there's a pretty good chance you're using your phone on a wifi connection but probably just as likely to use it outside of wifi range (using your data plan). Videos and media can use up a lot data on phone plans as well as just make pages load a lot slower, which isn't fun for anyone. Using YouTube playlists is an easy and small way we can all help reduce the impact on mobile devices.
"But I'm not using a phone. My laptop is working just fine."
I know...that's an easy argument to make but the fact is, you're the minority here...and you will be going forward too. Given this community is all about sharing our stories and experiences, you want as many people as possible to read what you have to say. That means doing your part to make it easily accessible for everyone.