The Week in Racing, YouTube roundup

In partnership with Chaos Canyon, we've revised our weekly roundup of diecast racing on YouTube and around the web. Chas Canyon's DSPN weekly racing highlights video has been a great addition to the scene and we're joining forces a bit to bring you as much racing as we can.
If you've previously used our form to submit your race results, you may continue doing so, as that information will also be included in these weekly reports. That form will also help Chaos Canyon get eyes on your own channel and may include them in the video highlights.
More racing
Over at GNR Vintage Diecast Racing the Open Wheel Racing series kicked off. This series is limiting cars to the 1969-1971 period and looks great on GNR's 12-lane track. For this first round, Tomi Eloranta took home the checkered flag with the Shelby Turbine Redline.
Do you have a racing channel?
If you have your own diecast racing channel and didn't see your video included in any of the reproting here, use this form to submit your weekly race results. Or add a link to your channel in the comments below.
Also, if anyone has suggestions for what could be added/changed/done better then let me know. Can't say I'll definitely implement it but always open to suggestions.