Smitty Rivits

aircooled Tuesday, 11/3/2015

I've been doing some ready trying to lower the learning curve. I see Smitty Rivets mentioned a lot, what are Smitty Rivets?



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CrzyTrkrDude 11/3/15

It is a technique Smitty developed that helps hold your new axles in place.

Takes a bit of practice on some old donor cars I think, but is well worth it so as to not glue your wheels solid on your future winner.

Basically, HW doesn't wash all the "mold release gunk" from every part. Which makes some glues pop off the undercarriage/ frame when glueing new axles in place.

Mr Smitty figured out, if you drill a small hole directly under the desired axle location, the glue( most of the time JB weld or similar 2 part apoxy) will drip through the hole, and can be pressed in to place on both sides of the frame.

Essentially creating a " Rivet" shape in the glue, preventing the axle from dislodging and causing this to happen:

2 practice runs, and the front axle popped free.

I built it for my wife to enter. Bummer. But we both like the way it looks, so I just kept it that way. Cool!

It does take a bit of practice, I found out.

But, I'm sure you'll get it!!

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aircooled 11/3/15

Thanks for the info and the reply I'm sure I'll get it down with some practice.

  • no problem. — CrzyTrkrDude
  • the trick is to use just the right amount of job weld. too much, and gravity spreads it out to the wheels like silly putty — CrzyTrkrDude
  • *jb weld — CrzyTrkrDude
  • use j b quik... sets in 5 minutes hasn't time to RUN. — fordman
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