Track Speeds

Preacher Sunday, 9/16/2012

Just curious about some of the different track layouts, and wondering at the speed difference they produce. Of course it depends on the car, and and angle of the drop, etc. etc. etc. My Bunk Bed Board Track is 25 ft long, with a 6.5 ft. board to to give the cars speed, and then 18 feet of straight for the cars to battle on to victory. I haven't timed it lately, but I'm sure the cars are running from start to finish in 2.75 - 3 seconds. Just wondering if we could get some time runs to see how fast our tracks really are. If any would be interested in this, we could set some guidelines as to the height of the starting gate, and the length of the run...this might be interesting.



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GspeedR 9/17/12

The problem with calculating time over the distance of an no way it was traveling a measly 6.99mph on impact.


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WorpeX 9/17/12

it was traveling a measly 6.99mph on impact.


Measly 7mph? I'd like to see you run that fast!

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GspeedR 9/18/12

Measly 7mph? I'd like to see you run that fast!

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GspeedR 9/24/12

On the general topic of 'toy car speed', I've found that this Mythbusters episode segment answers some questions...

...or at the very least, it demonstrates the performance potential on these little cars.

Also, note that RLD member 'markkaz' was the Mythbusters crew consultant in this episode.

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