RLD Summer Pro-Am official thread
Sunday, May 16th, 2021
Redline Derby Racing is happy to partner with BlueLine Racing, Indiana Diecast Racing, and the Diecast Racing Report to bring you the Redline Derby Racing Summer Pro-Am kicking off this May and running through August.
The RLD Summer Pro-Am is a series that will challenge 16 Pros and 16 Amateurs to a battle of endurance as their cars travel across the country to race on drag strips and open road tracks.
We'll crown one Pro champion and one Amateur champion. We'll also be seeing a championship Pro-Am team, as each amateur will be paired with one pro and their points combined against other teams.
Latest action
Standings and points
Series threads
- Stage 1 - Pro Division
- Stage 1 - Amateur Division
- Stage 2 - Pro Division
- Stage 2 - Amateur Division
- Stage 3 - Pro Division
- Stage 3 - Amateur Division
- Stage 4 - Pro Division
- Stage 4 - Amateur Division
Rules & Restrictions
- Modified entries only
- Entry must be a new build. It cannot be a car that has raced before.
- 80g maximum weight limit. There is no grace for weight!
- One (1) entry per racer
- Car dimensions limited to 3.25" x 1.25" x 2"
- All castings/brands are allowed. For real...but...
- Entry must have a vehicle body. Questions?
- Custom chassis allowed. Zoom-In casting is allowed only when used as a chassis.
- No external weights. They should be hidden from the presentation.
- Custom axles and tubes allowed. NPA/FTE axles allowed.
- Retail wheels only.
- Keep your car PG. No inappropriate or suggestive decals, paint, or messaging.
- Dry lube allowed. Lube will NOT be added on-site.
If you're not sure about a castings or if what you have planned is legal, please post and ask or send a PM.
Dates & Deadlines
This is a traveling series. Cars will be sent as a group from track to track. Entries only need to worry about one deadline, shipping only once.
All entries must be received before Sunday, May 16, 2021.
This is a hard deadline since this is a series and cars need to be sent to the next track as soon as possible after the first stage.
Be sure to include a Race Entry ID slip with your car
Please include at least $5.00 if you want your entry returned after the series. Entries not getting returned will be given to the winner as part of the prize.
Include shipping fee with your entry or you can send via Paypal. Just send any online payments as a "gift" and include a note what the payment is for (helps me stay organized).
If you're an international entry, send no money. We'll figure out an amount and online exchange if you want your car returned after the event.
Where to send your entry
Ship your entry along with any return fee and ID form to:
Redline Derby Racing
c/o Brian Vaughn
PO Box 842
Grove City, OH 43123
Drop-outs & Late entries
If you find you're unable to get an entry in by the deadline or need to drop-out of the event for any reason, please send an email or PM as soon as you know so a replacement entry can be found.
Track Stages
This series will travel between four different tracks across the United States. Your car will race on two drag strips and two open track courses.
1st Stage / May
Redline Derby Speedway
Redline Derby Racing, Ohio
2nd Stage / June
Box Canyon Loop
Diecast Racing Report, Washington
3rd Stage / July
The Northeast Beast
BlueLine Racing, Connecticut
4th Stage / August
The Tricky Triangle
Indiana Diecast Racing, Indiana
The cars will return to Ohio after the last stage for some exhibition racing including a champ vs champ race.
This will be an accumulative points series across 4 track locations.
There will be a total of 320 Event Points (EP) available to earn in the Summer Pro-Am event over all track locations. The maximum you can earn per track is 80EP.
The racer with the most Event Points per division at the end of the Summer Pro-Am will be declared champion of their respective division. The team with the most combined Event Points will be declared Team Champions.
In the case of ties at the end of the event, cars will go head-to-head on the Redline Derby Racing Speedway to determine the winner (per division).
Race Formats
Pros will race pros, and amateurs will race amatuers.
The race format will vary per track location. There are 4 track locations for the event. Two drag strips and two open track layouts.
These formats make use of two types of points: Race Points and Event Points
Race Points (RP) - These are points earned by winning a single race (or heat) in a round robin round. Race Points do not count towards your Pro-Am event standing. Race Points only determine whether or not you advance in the race.
Event Points (EP) - These are points earned based on how you finish on a track. You can earn a maximum of 80EP per track. Event Points are accumulated over the length of the Summer Pro-Am event and determine the winners after all 4 tracks have hosted.
Stage 1: Redline Derby Racing Speedway at RLD HQ (Drag strip)
Per division
- Four groups of 4 cars will race in a head-to-head in a round robin format.
- A car earns 2RP when they win 2-in-a-row while alternating lanes. If after 6 heats there is no inner, each car gets 1RP for a tie.
- The Top 2 cars with the most RP per group move on to the final 8-car bracket. The 8 cars that don't make it out of round robin get 10EP each.
- The final 8 car bracket is single-elimination. Bracket seeding will be random but will avoid 2 cars from the same group racing in the first round.
- A car must win 2-in-a-row while alternating lanes to advance in the bracket. If after 8 heats there is no winner, the 9th heat will be sudden death and the winner will move on.
- Cars that lose in round one will get 20EP each (4 cars)
- Cars that lose in round two will get 40EP each (2 cars)
- Runner-up car will get 60EP
- Car that wins will get 80EP
Stage 2: Box Canyon Loop at Gen X Vintage Racing (Open track)
Per division
- There will be three rounds of round robin racing
- Each group of 4 cars will race at once with their starting position rotating each heat.
- First car across finish line gets 2RP; second car across gets 1RP; 0RP for DNF
- The Top 2 cars with the most RP in each group move into the next round.
- The round robin racing repeats for all rounds with groups of 4 cars.
- The final group of 4 will determine 1st-4th placement.
- Cars that lose in round one will get 10EP each (8 cars)
- Cars that lose in round two will get 20EP each (4 cars)
- 3rd and 4th place finishers will get 40EP each
- Runner-up will get 60EP
- Car that wins will get 80EP
- In the case of a tie, a single head-to-head sudden death heat will be run to determine advancement.
Stage 3: Northeast Beast at BlueLine Racing (Drag strip)
Per division
- Each car goes down each lane once. The fastest time out of all heats is their recorded time.
- 1st place gets 80EP
- 2nd place gets 60EP
- 3rd & 4th place gets 40EP each (2 cars)
- 5th-8th place gets 20EP each (4 cars)
- 9th-16th place gets 10EP each (8 cars)
Stage 4: Tricky Triangle at Indiana Diecast Racing (Open track)
- There will be three rounds of round robin racing
- Each group of 4 cars will race at once with their starting position rotating each heat.
- First car across finish line gets 5RP; 2nd=3RP, 3rd=2RP, 4th=1RP
- The Top 2 cars with the most RP in each group move into the next round.
- The round robin racing repeats for all rounds with groups of 4 cars.
- The final group of 4 will determine 1st-4th placement.
- Cars that lose in round one will get 10EP each (8 cars)
- Cars that lose in round two will get 20EP each (4 cars)
- 3rd and 4th place finishers will get 40EP each
- Runner-up will get 60EP
- Car that wins will get 80EP
In the case of a tie, a single head-to-head sudden death heat will be run to determine advancement.
Stage 5: Redline Derby Speedway (Drag strip)
When the cars return to Redline Derby, any overall ties will be settled in head-to-head races (per division).
After any ties, an exhibition Champion vs Champion race will be held. This will see the Pro Champion go head-to-head with the Amateur Champion and the winner will get the glory of being Summer Pro-Am Undisputed Champion. The exhibition winner receives no extra reward or prizes other than bragging rights.
There is a Pro Division and Amateur Division, each has 16 cars. Entries will only race others in their division.
Pro Division
- G4 Diecast Racing
- Mattman213
- The Makers Box
- Secondhand Speed
- RLo Racing
- GhostDriver
- Big Al
- Chief Wopahoo
- DXP Racing
- Rivera Racing
- Voxxer Racing
- MoparMAC
- Golden Owl
- Sneaky Bob
- Uncle Elvis
Amateur Division
- SpyDude
- RoadRunner Raceway Fan
- UncleJoesSpeedway
- kickserve
- Kaiju_Colorado
- PWC Racing
- DeeJa
- Dogtown Racing
- ItsDiegoByTheWay
- Big Mac
- CapperDeluxe
- pupulesurfer
- Cash Money Boys
- Commotion Diecast
- Bolo Brown
- The Commish
One amateur will be paired with one pro to form a team. A team's final score is the combined points of each racer in the team. The team with the most points at the end of the series will be crown team champions.
- Secondhand Speed & Bolo Brown
- Voxxer Racing & Kickserve
- FOTF & Capper Deluxe
- Sneaky Bob & The Commish
- Mattman213 & SpyDude
- Chief Wopahoo & Commotion Diecast Racing
- Big Al & PWC Racing
- DXP Racing & Dogtown Racing
- Mopar Mac & Big Mac
- G4 Diecast Racing & Uncle Joe Speedway
- The Maker's Box & Pupuelsurfer
- Rivera Racing & Cash Money Boys
- Uncle Elvis & RoadRunner Raceway
- Golden Owl & ItsDiegoByTheWay
- GhostDriver & DeeJa
- RLo Racing & Kaiju Colorado
If a team member fails to make the entry deadline or must drop out and a replacement cannot be found, the team points will only be of the remaining member.
There is no weight grace for this event! Cars cannot be more than 80g. If you're worried about it, play it safe and consider maxing your car at 79g.
If a car fails to meet any of the restrictions listed above, the car will race but will not be eligable for points.
Cars that fail to run or fit on the track, or that happen to break during racing, will forfeit their matches. Cars that arrive broken will attempt to be minimally repaired before the racing begins. Cars that break during racing will not be repaired or replaced.
Please keep in mind this event is as much about endruance as it is speed. Your cars will be traveling a lot and racing on different styles of track. Design and build your cars to be tough and ready for some clangin' and bangin'.
Pro and Amateur champions will receive a RLD Champion Trading Card featuring their car and stats.
Other prizes and rewards are pending.
I am so excited about this! What an incredible opportunity to race and be a part of a team in a unique and fun series format! Awesome! Thanks to all involved for putting this together!
Looking over that list, I can't wait to see all the cars arriving here for the June races at Psychedelic Speedway's Box Canyon Loop!
This is going to be awesome! Big shout out to all involved behind the curtain to make this happen!
Just a heads up that there will be a team pairings drawing happening real soon. I'm hoping to live stream it one night soon, but it'll just be random draws to see who your teammate is.
Question: all castings. Are fantasy vehicle castings/bodies considered legal? Or just something that you would actually see on the street?
- I saw that too. Say all casting but at the bottom the fine print says message to make sure a casting is legal. Someone must be a lawyer. Lol! — CrazyEights
- See below. — redlinederby
Flip's Racing will take a spot if there's one open.
- I think the event is closed, but there is a waiting list in case anyone does drop out. — SpyDude
- The rosters are filled but I will put you on the waitlist in case someone has to drop-out — redlinederby
- Please submit the sign-up form if you haven't already, to be added to the waitlist. — redlinederby
Wow I'm a pro? That's news to me lol but I can't wait!
If we are gonna have team mates can we pick them Sadie Hawkins style?
In this case, all castings means all castings. Fantasy castings are okay.
But as stated, your entry must have a body. So none of this stuff or just a Zoom-In flying down the track naked. There's gotta be a chassis and a body. You can mix-n-match and use whatever chassis and body you want, but it's gotta have both.
If you have questions or are concerned about your build plan being legal, post or PM me with some details and we'll figure it out.
I debated whether or not to apply more limits on this but figured since we're racing on various track types, that could change some strategy a bit. Just making a wide, flat car might not be what you want on the open tracks. And it's a Pro-Am so might as well open it up a bit and see what people can build, have some fun.
- Not sure a zoom in could handle fat track. I've seen gov'ners and caddy 16s have trouble. — CrazyEights
- The latest video from 3DBotMaker proves that V-16 Cadillac is a beast on the open track. It was smoking everyone, and I think set a track record. — SpyDude
- Thank you for clearing up the issue about fantasy cars and chassis and bodies. (Watch; some clown will put a corpse on a chassis and send it in. “But it’s a body!!!” — SpyDude
- Don't give me ideas. Lol! — CrazyEights
- I would like to thank the racing Academy for using my racer as an example of what can be done ... then what not to do. " You like me ..... you really like me " Sally Fields accepting the Oscar — VoxxerRacing
- Next time affix a zombot body to the embosser chassis and you should be good — CrazyEights
- Why is it always that Voxxer gets called out in the “Your car should not look like this disclaimer” ?? — RLoRacing
- Voxxer should be proud - he actually got a rule named after himself. — SpyDude
- Watch for it: one of these guys is going to drop that damned duck body on a Zoom In chassis, and it will smoke the entire series. — SpyDude
- LOL, that one Voxxer build is the epitome of a non-car entry. Yes, it's fast but it's not a vehicle. Plus, in this case, it's also a perfect example of not having a body! — redlinederby
- @SpyDude - Bonus points to anyone that makes a duck car — redlinederby
- Damn..... dude threw down the challenge. I may have to send an extra car ..... — SpyDude
Wow! Can't believe I made the pro list! This is going to be great though. Can't wait to see who I get for my teammate. It's quite the list of contenders on both sides! Good luck to all the racers and thanks to all the hosts!
Good Luck everyone. Look forward to seeing you all here in July.
- Looking forward to running the Northeast Beast! — Kaiju_Colorado
- Looking forward to having you — BlueLineRacing
- It's going to be a monster of a time! — Kaiju_Colorado
This is going to be an awesome series! Looking forward to battling it out with everyone!! Thank you Redline, BlueLine, DRR, and IDR for hosting!